Cemeteries and Crematoria Association of South Australia
Welcome to the CCASA
The Cemeteries and Crematoria Association of South Australia (affectionately known as CCASA) is the unified voice of cemetery and crematoria managers in South Australia.
Founded in May 1978, CCASA promotes the maintenance, improvement and development of cemeteries and crematoria in South Australia. We also identify and promote best practice, governance and professional standards of ethical behaviour.
CCASA currently has 100+ members, representing more than 300 cemeteries, including Adelaide’s major cemeteries and those owned and operated by local and district councils, private operators and churches and parishes.
In accordance with legislation, CCASA is governed by its Incorporated Association Rules (otherwise referred to as its Constitution). The latest Constitution was adopted on 12 November 2021 and is provided here.
The Cemeteries and Crematoria Association of South Australia is an industry body for the cemeteries and crematoria industry in South Australia, with a strong record of 40 years of providing support to our members
Information Forums
The Information Forums are held over a two day period, and include the Annual General Meeting over a two day period. The program includes a wide-range of activities and speakers and provides an opportunity for the attendees to engage with their colleagues and industry specialists
Plain English Statements
CCASA supply legally prepared Plain English Statements in books of 50 triplicate pages, which can be ordered by downloading a Plain English Order form.
CCASA Committee
Our Committee comprises all volunteers passionate about the cemetery and crematorium industry.
The CCASA provides advice and information to its members and the general public
The most common inquiries we receive can be found here
The CCASA Cemeteries List details cemeteries and burial grounds across South Australia