Did you attend our 2023 Joint Conference held in Adelaide?
CCASA's first joint conference with CCANSW. We've been delighted with the positive feedback received from this year's event.
Here's a recap of the fabulous two days enjoyed by our Association and Affiliation Members, Sponsors and Speakers. The topic of this year's conference was - A Sustainable Future. This evoked interesting presentations and discussions over the two days.
Thursday 9th November
Our 110 attendees were treated to some very interesting tours during the day:
1. West Terrace Cemetery-Ground Penetrating
Dr Ian Moffatt gave an informative practical demonstration of his ground penetrating equipment and spoke of its many applications of detection used both in Australia and abroad.
2. Royal Adelaide Hospital Mortuary
Members were privileged to be given a tour of the state-of-the-art-mortuary facilities and to learn of the mortuary processes.
3. Body Donor Program
Tours were conducted through the new Faculty for Health & Medical Science building on North Tce and also the Helen Mayo building on Frome Road where the University of Adelaide operates a central mortuary facility on behalf of the Universities in South Australia for the acceptance of all bodies donated to science. This is where students carry out practical in support of teaching, training, scientific studies and research.
4. Evergreen Community Precinct Crematorium and New Facility Tour.
The tour of Evergreen Community Precinct showcased the crematorium along with the rest of the impressive $25 million community facility. This being the first and only cemetery operator in Australia to gain internationally recognised environmental certification with their three new cremators.
5. Sponsors - Everlon, Arrow Bronze and Phoenix sponsored the Thursday evening dinner at West Terrace Cemetery together with the fabulous Cemetery Night tour
A real social highlight for all who attended, setting the scene for members, guests and sponsors to socialise and network in an informal fashion whilst enjoying delicious food and, of course, the cemetery night tour. With the soft glow of the lanterns they held to light their way, this unique guided experience took them on an intriguing journey through secrets, scandals and some very tragic tales of some of our historically buried locals.
Friday 10th November:
Download the informative presentations via CCASA's website page by clicking on the topics below:
Voluntary Assisted Dying - Panel Discussion. Michelle Roberts, Standby - Support After Suicide
Presentations by our valued Sponsors: